Tuesday 1 October 2013

Task 1' Ideas for my own animation sequence'

This is a stop motion animation about the hobbit, the thing i like about is the way the song works with the video and the way that the story is presented
in this animation i like the way the song is presented because it actually looks like the 'characters a talking the way the move they mouth, the expressions on their faces

The stop animation i want to make it will be clay made and will be a short stop animation video with approximate 20-30 seconds long it will be a about a golf player taking a shot to a roll but in the end he will miss the roll by far hiting another player in the head knocking him out and instead of helping him he runs.
In my stop motion animation i will use modelling clay, the background will be of a golf course probably drew by hand or a image from the internet and will have a background music and the software i will use it is called iStopMotion 3. 
The tittle of my animation will be ''Crazy Golf" the genre is sports and my animation is targeted for young people, it will be a funny golf story.

This is some images for the background in my stopanimation 

This sound effect will be used when the claymore men that i will make hits the golf ball.

Before he hits the golf ball he will put his headphones in and this will be the music that he will be listening to

This is how my characters will look like when made by clay

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