Tuesday 20 May 2014

boxing day Evaluation

I think the end result of my animation wasn't as good as i expected to be, but i didn't have that much of time to do it, because i changed my plan for the animation at the last minute because i lost everything the other animation that i was planing for weeks, but for the time that i had to make this animation i think it went pretty well the sound, tittle,credits and the animation it self, it wasn't very well made, it had some very clear mistakes in that i should changed but i didn't,  i think if i had more time to make that animation i would make it better because i would have actually planed before i done anything which i didn't.

boxing day: fight night

I have added the rocky theme song to this animation and i also have added the credits and the animation title at the beginner, i have used a programe called iMovie to add the sound, the title and the credits at the end.

boxing day

This lesson me and jack have started making our animation, we have printed the background that we will use, and we done around 380 frames, and still have a bit to do and we will be done next lesson
but some of the frames needs to be deleted because it caught my hand in the picture when i was moving the fighters around.

As you probably can see in all my earlier posts this is completely different of all my planning and the reason for that is because when i made all the clay models and the script and storyboard for my planning i left in the classroom and the lesson after it wasn't there anymore, so i had to go for something easier and simpler so me and Jack made this Boxing fight using the fighters made of clay and the ring was also made of clay some wire and straws for the corners and we printed an image of a boxing crowd of google and cut the white borders of to make it look better.
And could i make it better?! yes sure i could make much better but i didn't have much time left for this assignment  lots of assignments all the time so i had to move on for the next, so i did this animation quick as i could to make sure i had something to hand it in. But i think it went pretty well for the time that we had left and yes it had some mistakes, like my hand showing in some of the frames or when the camera angle wasn't as we planned, we could got a better camera angle and done it better if we had the time to actually plan it before we did it.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Tuesday 28 January 2014